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Center for Non-Western Theologies

Foundation Academy of Amsterdam, School of Divinity proudly announces the start of Center for Non-Western Theologies, which will be headed by Dr. Simon Ririhena.

Center for Non-Western Theologies discusses various non-western theological narratives, interpretation and implementations of theologies in and from the Non-Western Perspectives.

  • CNWT aims to be a platform for Christian theologians from the global south to reinterpret their cultural, historical heritage in the context of the gospel.

  • CNWT is a platform for Western theologians who are academically and personally attached to the themes related to non-western theologies.

  • CNWT is a platform for non-western theologians to discuss religion and theology from non-western perspectives related to the context of non-western cultures and peoples.

  • CNWT aims to develop thematic theologies related to non-western cultures and make them available to the broader scholarly and religious audience for dialogue

  • CNWT aims to dialogue and debate with Western theologians from various schools of thoughts....

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