For applications/admissions, please send a motivational letter and a copy of your CV to office@foundation.eu.com, indicating the school and program of your choice. Following that, our registration office will contact you as soon as possible.
The Foundation Academy of Amsterdam is committed to offering tuition-free or low-cost education, particularly to individuals from developing countries. We strongly encourage applicants to explore opportunities at governmental universities in their home countries. However, if no such opportunities are available or you share our vision and mission and wish to contribute to our cause, we welcome your application to the Foundation Academy of Amsterdam.
Who can study at Foundation Academy of Amsterdam?
Foundation Academy of Amsterdam offers alternative higher education, which is tuition-free or in some cases very low budget academic education. Foundation is established for the following persons:
1) Migrants with low incomes, domestic workers, refugees & stateless people anywhere in the world, especially in Europe who cannot attend a regular university, but they are willing to further their education in the fields of Human Rights, Global Studies and Theological Education.
2) Minorities in any society who are discriminated due to race, gender, religion or lifestyle and therefore the higher education is not accessible to them.
3) Persecuted Christians, pastors and, clergies, church workers and leaders.
4) The citizens of the Majority World (the developing world), who cannot afford to study at a state or private university,
due to high fees and heavy financial loads.
5) Those who cannot afford to study at a regular university due to financial reasons, but they are looking to further their academic education.
6) Human rights NGOs, social justice institutions can refer their members or workers (with their consent) to our Integrated Human Rights Education or Global Study programs.
Foundation Academy of Amsterdam is known for its Integrated Human Rights education and its Global Study education. Foundation's alumni are currently active in Labor Unions, NGOs, and other social movements.
7) Churches and Christian ministries who are looking for a balanced and holistic theological education to train their leaders and their pastors. Foundation has special theological programs and paths that can prepare them either for ordination or for ministry.
Do you belong to any of these groups, and you feel you are called to study with Foundation, then send the office an email
and express your interest and your motivations. Look into our programs and indicate your choice.
Send your email to office@foundation.eu.com
All the programs of Foundation Academy of Amsterdam are fully accredited by International Council of Higher Education www.ichenetwork.net. Further, Foundation is a member of various organizations.