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Research Unit

Foundation Academy of Amsterdam 

Research Unit (RU) is a platform for researchers within and outside Foundation Academy of Amsterdam. RU aims to conduct socially relevant research in the fields of liberal arts and humanities. Research Unit is linked with Foundation Academy of Amsterdam: The School of Divinity, School of Integrated Human Rights, and School of Global Studies and with the Center for Non-Western Theologies. For further inquiries contact 



Ongoing Researches 


Research Inclusion - Exclusion


Foundation Academy of Amsterdam partners in the research project called: ‘Exclusion versus inclusion; searching for Biblical inspiration’ (2020-2023). chaired by prof. dr. Dr. Bernhard Reitsma, at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Religion and Theology. School of Divinity of Foundation Academy participates in this research on two levels: Practice and Expert


  • The practical research level: The School of Divinity organized two focus group meetings with the students. The first meeting focussed on the personal experiences of inclusion and exclusion, in the second meeting a Text from the Bible has been read and reflected on. 

  • Expert Level: The experts in this research come from various backgrounds and disciplines. The aim is to write articles which will be part of a bundle around inclusive and exclusive practices with an emphasis on apostasy, the ultimate exclusion: leaving the faith.


On the side of Foundation Academy of Amsterdam Dr. Simon Ririhena (head of the Center for Non-Western Theology) and Dean of the School of Divinity, Laura Dijkhuizen contribute in writing an article.

Laura co-authors her article about the inclusion and exclusion on the basics of gender together with Dr. Jack Barentsen, professor in Practical Theology at the ETF in Leuven, Belgium. More information:



“Limitation of Religious Freedom of the Parmalim Indigenous Religion in Indonesia: A Sociolegal Perspective” in collaboration with Universitas Kristen Indonesia-Jakarta, Indonesia. 


Researchers : 

Atty. Manotar Tampubolon, Ph.D. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kristen Indonesia-Jakarta, Indonesia

Hadje Sadje (M.A.) School of Global Studies – Foundation Academy of Amsterdam 



Research Without Borders 

Are you a migrant, a refugee or a stateless person with an academic background in humanities or liberal arts? We can offer you an academic platform, guidance/supervision and inspiration to perform your research and make it public. For more information email to (Attach your CV and a motivational letter with possible topics of research) 



Join the RU

Are you interested in joining RU at Foundation Academy of Amsterdam as a researcher?  Or, you are looking for doing joint research with Foundation Academy of Amsterdam, feel free to contact us via email: 




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Contact Us

Tel: +31.20.4952073  or Mobile 06.20995882

(from abroad +31.6.20995882)  

(Tue.-Thu. 10AM- 5PM)




Bijlmerdreef 1289  

1103 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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