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Collaboration with Theological University Kampen

The Theological University of Kampen has signed a cooperation agreement with the School of Divinity of the Foundation Academy in Amsterdam. The Foundation Academy of Amsterdam is led by Dr. Samuel Lee. It focuses on migrants and refugees with an alternative form of higher education.

"This is a natural step for TU Kampen to establish this connection," said Prof. Roel Kuiper, rector of TU Kampen. "Many Reformed churches have succeeded in establishing relationships with Christians who came to the Netherlands through an asylum procedure. It is good for Kampen's students to learn what is happening in Amsterdam in the field of faith among migrants and asylum seekers. The School of Divinity students is also interested in the neo-Calvinist tradition in which Kampen has in-house expertise."

President of the Foundation Academy of Amsterdam Samuel Lee underlines this. "In our training in Amsterdam, people from many different backgrounds come together. Reformed theology certainly has something to say for our students. I hope we can learn from each other. I long for a Christianity that shines its light naturally. Light does not have to prove itself. It is just there. My hope is that we will show that in all diversity. "

There will be exchanges between the two institutions in education, and further coordination with each other's programs is being investigated for the coming period.

For more information about Theological University of Kampen click here

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