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The Role of Ancestors in Our Theologies: An Online Conference 31 Oct. at 9:00 AM Amsterdam Time

Center for Non-Western Theologies Foundation Academy of Amsterdam

31 October 2022 09:00-12:00 hrs. (Central European Time)

Theological faculties of Western universities and institutions for higher education pay little or no attention to a systematic theological reflection on the role and meaning of ancestors in the Christian faith. However, theology is incomplete without attention to ancestors. In this conference, theologians, pastors and church members from Africa and South-East Asia will give their theological vision on the theme based on their personal and professional involvement.

Speakers include Prof. Nico Koopman (Stellenbosch University), Laura Dijkhuizen-Gast (Foundation Academy of Amsterdam), and Dr. Simon Ririhena (Foundation Academy of Amsterdam)


This online conference is free of charge but please register in advance
Registration and inquiries can be sent to:
After the registration, zoom link for the conference will be provided

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